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Ninth Month


Even though you may be feeling as big as a house, your previous digestive problems and shortness of breath should ease up as the baby's head drops into your pelvic cavity. Sleeping will become more difficult, and you may be having more Braxton Hicks contractions, which will give you a chance to practice your breathing techniques.

You will probably be attending your antenatal clinic at least every two weeks. Try to rest as much as possible and avoid standing for long periods of time. You may have a heavy vaginal discharge; use sanitary pads for protection, never tampons.

By the 40th week, you will probably be feeling very heavy and tired. You may have pain in your groin and pins and needles in your legs as the baby presses into your pelvis. Your skin may feel tight and stretched. Braxton Hicks contractions may increase in frequency and in strength. Now it's only a matter of time!


Your unborn baby has now graduated to being called a foetus. His internal organs are already in place and ready for further development. If you have an ultrasound scan, you may see your baby wiggling and waving like mad, but you won't feel anything yet. An eight-week-old foetus already has distinct facial features.
