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Seventh Month


As your stomach expands, you may notice stretchmarks on your stomach or thighs. Indigestion can be a problem as your growing baby presses on your stomach. Some women have lower back pain or sciatic pain as the abdomen grows larger and the pelvic joints loosen in preparation for delivery. Leg cramps may pose a problem; adequate calcium in your diet can help. You may feel painless contractions, called Braxton Hicks contractions. These contractions are a way for your uterus to "practice" and do not signify the onset of labour.


Your baby now weighs about 2 pounds and is 14-15 inches long. His eyes are open and he can see. He is coated with a waxy substance called vernix caseosa which protects his skin, and he is building up a layer of fat which will help him to maintain his body temperature once he is born.
