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Antenatal Classes

Types of Abortions

The path of motherhood can be pretty arduous. We at Gynaecworld take great pains to ensure that the journey of a to be mother to motherhood is a rich experience for the woman. Taking separate antenatal classes including Lamaze techniques is a small effort on our part on this aspect. This antenatal class is held every Tuesday between 11:00 AM - 12:00 Noon. The class covers the following:

  • Focused breathing techniques for labor.
  • Pelvic floor exercises ao as to facilitate vaginal deliveries.
  • Involvement of the spouse so as to train him to be supportive during labor.
  • Lecture in vaginal delivery.
  • Lecture in caesarean delivery.
  • Lecture in neonatal care.

For further information of enrollment you can call up on.
Mob : +91 9022594335
