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Second Month


By the end of the second month, you may begin to feel pregnant. Your breasts may be tender, and you might be experiencing morning sickness or nausea during the day. Don't be surprised if you undergo some raging mood swings as well. Fatigue is also an issue throughout the first trimester. You may be just a bit more tired than usual, or you may be so exhausted that four-hour naps every afternoon are the rule. Those constant trips to the loo continue, no doubt Nature's way of training you to wake up several times during the night in preparation for your baby's feeding schedule!


Your unborn baby has now graduated to being called a foetus. His internal organs are already in place and ready for further development. If you have an ultrasound scan, you may see your baby wiggling and waving like mad, but you won't feel anything yet. An eight-week-old foetus already has distinct facial features.
