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Welcome to the e-Newsletter from Gynaecworld.

In this newsletter we bring to you some issues related to women's fertility potential and its association with age.

Is the biological clock ticking ?

Women's fertility potential is closely related to their age. Fertility peaks in the early and mid twenties and declines as age advances. This decline accelerates after the age of 35 years. This is known as "Biological Clock".

The ovarian reserve (egg pool) is predetermined in every girl right from birth. This egg pool becomes active once puberty is attained and thereafter gradually declines as age advances .The ovarian pool can be assessed by certain blood tests like hormone levels of FSH, LH and Antimullerian hormone levels and by doing an Ultrasound on day 4 or 5 of periods for Antral follicle count and volume of the ovaries.

A recent scientific study published in march 2013 studied the relation between age and parameters to assess egg pool in 366 healthy women aged 21-41 years. The different parameters studied showed a decline with age. The study concluded that age age increases, the egg pool decreases.

"A committee opinion by American college of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has concluded that Age is a significant factor influencing a woman's ability to conceive. A woman fertility starts reducing by age of 32 years and by 37years it decreases rapidly.

Because fertility rates are higher in younger women and decline with age therefore it is advisable for older women to seek counseling and treatment at the earliest. In women older than 35 years of age, it is prudent to do a complete evaluation after they have tried naturally for about 4-6months.

Is it too late now to have a baby ?

Significant improvements in fertility treatments have made it possible for many couples to conceive with medical assistance. With treatments like IUI( Intrauterine insemination) and IVF(In vitro fertlisation or test tube baby) at hand, women with advanced age have better chances of pregnancy.

What if I am not ready to have a baby at the moment ?

In societies where family planning and professional career development are prioritized, some women may postpone childbearing until they are 30 and beyond. As a result these women may have more difficulty in conceiving. These trends have lead to the need for 'fertility preservation'.

Currently various options are available to preserve fertility which include oocyte (egg) freezing, cortical and whole ovary cryopreservation (freezing) and embryo freezing. The frozen eggs or embryos can be utilized at a later date to have a baby.

At Gynaecworld we provide a comprehensive solution to all fertility related issues (both male and female) through various assisted reproductive techniques like IUI, IVF, ICSI, Egg donation and Surrogacy programmes.

Any further suggestion on how we can improve the Newsletter please do send us an email at

With warm regards,
Dr. Duru Shah and Gynaecworld Team
