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Importance of sex education in today's era

Dr. Duru Shah
Director, Gynaecworld

Do our young know enough about their reproductive system? Do they know it works, how pregnancy occurs, how to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, how to avoid a sexually transmitted infection? Do these thoughts ever cross their minds?

I don’t blame them at all. This knowledge has never been given to them in a scientific manner! Neither does the curriculum in schools or colleges give enough importance to this subject, nor do their parents talk to them about it. It is unfortunate that the only information they get, is what they get from Google, blogs or discussions with friends. Often, girls tell me that they are not using any protection, because their boyfriends have been their only partners. Unfortunately they have no idea how many partners their boyfriends have had before! With the advent of free porn available, it is truly unfortunate that some young people get affected by what they see and believe that their experience of sexuality has to be similar. So they treat their girlfriends the way women are treated in such films, and their expectations of their partners are similar to what they have seen, after all, seeing is believing!

How should we tackle such a situation? What can we do to empower our young with the knowledge they truly need? The reasons we need to do so is to encourage educate our young, who are our future, to stay healthy, in order to be productive. It is important to educate them on safe reproductive and sexual health practices, which will protect them from chronic pain, chronic diseases, infertility, ectopic pregnancies and sometimes premature death. It is our responsibility to give them the right information in the correct way.

Many parents feel that they are not comfortable passing on the facts of life to their children. They also feel that it is the duty of educational institutions to do so, whilst the institutions feel that they are not well equipped to do so. This is where universities need to step in. They should insist that adolescent reproductive and sexual health (ARSH) should receive the top-most priority and should be included in the curriculum of all students, not only the ones who enter the science discipline. Hence, the entry point of this information has to be in the 11th and 12th standard before they migrate into the different streams of education. Probably it could be a mandatory course they need to take before they leave junior college and for their international abodes!

With over 3 decades of experience, we at Gynaecworld completely understand a woman’s world and are here to look after the medical hurdles that come your way. You are the center of all our efforts!!!

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