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Freeze your Fertility

Dr. Duru Shah
Director, Gynaecworld

A large number of urban women are having babies at an advanced reproductive age, as they step on to the ladder of career advancement. Increasing divorces, increasing cancer striking younger women, many more women smokers, harsher environment all lead to women gradually having difficulties getting pregnant due to “advanced reproductive age”.

The reproductive phase of a woman is initiated at puberty and ends with menopause, i.e. it lasts approximately 35 years. It is during this period that pregnancy can be achieved. 50 years ago women got married at a young age of 16-18 years of age, had 3-4 children and completed their families by the age of 25-28 years. There was no infertility due to advanced reproductive age, because they got pregnant during the most fertile period of a woman’s life, i.e. between 18 – 30 years of age!

Every woman is born with a fixed amount of eggs in her ovaries, which is called “Ovarian Reserve”, and varies from woman to woman. Just as there is a period that is the most fertile period of a woman’s life, there is also a period which is not conducive for fertility. That period is usually the 10 year period prior to her menopause. Menopause occurs around the age of 48 years in Indian women, hence after the age of 38 years, her fertility potential worsens and she usually needs help from her gynecologist to get pregnant.

Today women are standing shoulder to shoulder with men into executive positions and are aiming higher and higher in their careers. Marriage and pregnancy are last on their minds, and when they reach where they want to reach, they realize that they have reached towards the end of their most fertile period of their lives. The thought of their “biological clocks” ticking away is constantly on their minds, and many a times they compromise their careers, for their maternal instincts.

But today, with reproductive science growing at a breakneck speed, a wonderful option has emerged for women. The Mantra is “Freeze your eggs for eternity and have your babies when you want them!”

Because eggs are best in quality and number at younger ages, we recommend that women who are married and want to delay childbirth till after 35 years of age, should consider freezing their embryos latest by the age of 32-33 years. Those embryos are created with younger eggs and even if pregnancy is delayed till beyond 40 years, women would still have good pregnancy rates. And those women who are single and are not considering marriage till 32 years, should freeze their eggs, till they are married and planning a family.  They should fertilize their eggs with their husband’s sperms, create embryos and utilize them to have their babies whenever ready!

It was “contraception” which has helped women to decide “when not to have babies” and today “freezing fertility” has helped women to decide “when to have their babies”- all adding to Women Power!!!

With over 3 decades of experience, we at Gynaecworld completely understand a woman’s world and are here to look after the medical hurdles that come your way. You are the center of all our efforts!!!

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