Research has shown that women suffering from PCOS who performed a 30-40 minute exercise for a 3-month time period had improved insulin sensitivity, controlled cholesterol levels and reduced fat accumulation around the belly. However, not all of these women lost weight. In short in a nutshell, irrespective of weight loss, it does wonders in controlling overall metabolic machinery and creates a sense of well-being.

Available body of research-based evidence shows that women with PCOS who performed at least 35-40 minutes of regular exercise for a time period of 3 months showed improvements in insulin sensitivity, cholesterol and less belly fat.

Exercise will help you improve

  • insulin sensitivity
  • frequency of ovulation
  • cholesterol levels to normal
  • body composition

Type of exercise that is helpful in PCOS


Aerobic Exercise

All types of aerobic exercise will help you lose weight, provided exercising is done at a moderate pace by devoting sufficient time so as to derive maximum benefit out of it. . The Center for Young Women’s Health recommends you work up to 60 minutes of aerobic exercise at least five days a week.


Strength Training

Strength training without doubt works well for toning and shaping the body, but also does wonders in controlling weight-a fact lesser known. Examples include free-weights, push-ups, squats, and lunges.


Interval Training

Interval training encompasses small, forceful bursts of activity followed by a rest period of low-intensity exercise. When it comes to fat loss, adding interval training to your workout regimen can intensify and accelerate fat loss without having to devote a significant amount of time. Adding high-intensity training might help you save on the time, but it should still be considered as it bestows one with several other benefits, such as help maintaining a good cardiovascular health and reducing risk of chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Infertility Treatment

PCOS infertility treatment can greatly increase the chances of the woman to get pregnant. A notably high proportion of women with polycystic ovarian syndrome will be able to get pregnant after an infertility treatment.

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